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The Link Between Foot Pain & Back Pain

The Link Between Foot Pain & Back Pain

 We use our feet daily. So, it’s no surprise that foot pain is common. 87% of people deal with foot pain at some point.

However, the effects of foot pain aren’t just confined to this lower area of your body. Back pain can be due to several issues related to foot problems, and understanding the link can help determine the right treatment methods.

Residents of the Lower Pacific Heights neighborhood of San Francisco and those living in San Jose, California, who are looking for ways to manage foot pain can get help from Dr. Andrew Harrison and our dedicated team.

Facts about foot pain

Foot pain describes discomfort anywhere on the foot, including the top, bottom sides, heel, toes, or arches. Many issues can affect your risk of foot pain, including your posture, gait, the fit of your shoes, or if you’re dealing with underlying conditions, like arthritis, bunions, gout, sprains, bursitis, or stress fractures. 

Other risk factors include standing for long periods, overuse, aging, foot injuries, or weight challenges.

Causes of foot pain that can affect your back

Walking, running, and everything we do on our feet include actions from every part of the lower body and are connected to our spine movements. This means that many problems in the feet can cause back pain. These foot issues can be connected to back pain:

Plantar fasciitis

Plantar fascia is the supporting tissue running across your foot's bottom. When inflamed, the pain can radiate up the body, affecting your legs, knees, and lower back. 

Flat feet

Also known as fallen arches, flat feet are when you lack any visible curve in the soles of your feet. Arches are essential to walking upright, and while people can live with flat feet, the condition can cause medical problems, including plantar fasciitis and Achilles tendonitis. Flat feet can also impact the upper body, including the back. 

High arches

High arches are the opposite of flat feet. It means that your feet don’t touch the ground property, which can impact how you walk.  In addition to back, knee, and hip pain, this can cause foot deformities.


Pronation is the natural motion of your feet. Overpronating means your foot rolls inward as you walk. This can lead to heel, arch, knee, hip, and back pain.

High heels

Shoes that don’t fit properly lead to foot pain. High-heeled shoes can cause a lot more damage over time. The position of your feet while wearing them directly affects posture, gait, and balance. It also impacts the shape of your spine, leading to back pain.

Foot pain can lead to back pain and cause problems in other parts of your lower body. Fortunately, we have options to help relieve it. If you’re dealing with foot pain, contact Dr. Harrison and our team today to find the solution that fits your needs.

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