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Are Bunions Avoidable?

As frustrating as they might be, bunions are a common foot ailment. They can cause significant discomfort and impact your daily life. And if you’ve ever wondered whether bunions are avoidable, you’re not alone. 

Located in the Lower Pacific Heights area of San Francisco and San Jose, California,

board-certified podiatrist Andrew R. Harrison, DPM, uses cutting-edge equipment to diagnose your bunion and devises a personalized treatment plan to correct it.

In the meantime, we’ll help you understand why bunions develop and whether there are steps to take to prevent them.

Why do bunions develop?  

To understand how they can be avoided, you first need to know why bunions develop. They can happen due to various factors, often involving a combination of genetics, lifestyle choices, and underlying health conditions.


If your parents or grandparents had bunions, you’re more likely to develop them. 

Footwear choices 

High heels, tight shoes, and shoes with a narrow toe box can contribute to the development of bunions. 

Foot shape 

Certain foot shapes, like flat feet or low arches, can increase your risk. 


Trauma or injury to your foot can lead to bunion formation.


Conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis can make you more susceptible. 

Are bunions avoidable?   

While not all bunions can be prevented, you can take steps to reduce your risk. Here’s what we recommend: 

Choose proper footwear

Opt for shoes that provide ample space for your toes and offer good arch support. Additionally, limit wearing high heels to only special occasions. If you must wear them, choose a lower heel height. 

Maintain a healthy weight

Excess weight puts additional pressure on your feet, which increases the likelihood of bunions. 

Foot exercises 

We highly recommend regularly performing exercises that strengthen your feet and improve flexibility. Stretching your toes can help maintain proper alignment as well. 

Monitor foot health

Visit Dr. Harrison’s office if you notice any changes in your feet or experience persistent pain.

Managing your bunions 

If you already have bunions, there are ways to manage the symptoms and prevent them from worsening. Consider the following tips: 

Wear supportive shoes

Choose shoes with a wide-toe box and good arch support. 

Use orthotic devices

Custom orthotic inserts help distribute pressure evenly and provide relief. 

Pain relief

Over-the-counter pain relievers and anti-inflammatory medications can manage your pain and swelling. 

Ice therapy

Applying ice packs to the affected area to reduce inflammation and pain.

Surgical options 

In severe cases, surgery may be necessary to correct the alignment of the bones. 

So, are bunions avoidable? The answer is: it depends! While you can’t change your genetics or foot shape, you can take proactive steps to reduce your risk. 

If you already have bunions, managing them effectively can prevent further complications and improve your quality of life. 

If you’re ready to learn more, don't hesitate to contact Dr. Harrison and schedule an appointment to discuss your options today!

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